2οΈβ£ R Functions β
The R functions used for interacting with Aplos NCA to analyze data are shown and described below.
Get JSON Web Token β
This function uses 4 pieces of information to acquire a jwt from Amazon Cognito. These are the client identifier (client_id
), username, password, and region. The client identifier and region are available from the web interface under Profile | API Configuration.
get_jwt <- function(client_id, username, password, region){
headers <- c("Content-Type" = "application/x-amz-json-1.1",
"X-Amz-Target" = "AWSCognitoIdentityProviderService.InitiateAuth")
body <- list(
AuthParameters=list("USERNAME"=username, "PASSWORD"=password),
method_type = "post"
response <- POST(url = paste0("https://cognito-idp.",region,".amazonaws.com/"),
add_headers(.headers = headers),
body = toJSON(body, auto_unbox = TRUE))
result <- fromJSON(content(response, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
jwt <- result$AuthenticationResult$IdToken
Analysis with Aplos NCA β
The function requires the following information:
- JSON web token
- Analysis dataset filename (and path)
- Configuration in JSON format
- Meta data in JSON format
- API URL (The URL for the API is available from the web interface under Profile | API Configuration)
- Folder for results file
- Unzip (True/False)
Acquire URL for file upload β
The following code requests the secure URL to which you will upload the input data file.
# Get pre-signed URL
tenant_id <- decode_jwt(token)$payload$`custom:aplos_user_tenant_id`
user_id <- decode_jwt(token)$payload$`custom:aplos_user_id`
filename = str_split_i(input, "/", -1)
upload_url = paste0(url,"/tenants/",tenant_id,"/users/",user_id,"/nca/files")
headers <- c("Content-Type" = "application/json",
"Authorization" = paste0("Bearer ",token))
body <- list(
method_type = "post"
response <- POST(url = upload_url,
add_headers(.headers = headers),
body = toJSON(body, auto_unbox = TRUE))
upload_url_result <- fromJSON(content(response, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
Upload input data file β
This code uploads the data file for analysis using the secure URL.
# Upload input file
cat("Uploading input file ... \n")
upload_url = upload_url_result$presigned$url
headers <- c()
body <- list(
key = upload_url_result$presigned$fields$key,
"x-amz-algorithm" = upload_url_result$presigned$fields$`x-amz-algorithm`,
"x-amz-credential" = upload_url_result$presigned$fields$`x-amz-credential`,
"x-amz-date" = upload_url_result$presigned$fields$`x-amz-date`,
"x-amz-security-token" = upload_url_result$presigned$fields$`x-amz-security-token`,
policy = upload_url_result$presigned$fields$policy,
"x-amz-signature" = upload_url_result$presigned$fields$`x-amz-signature`,
file = upload_file(normalizePath(input))
upload_response <- POST(url = upload_url, body = body)
Initiate Analysis β
This code initiates the analysis by Aplos NCA.
cat("Loading analysis configurations \n")
config.list <- fromJSON(txt = config)
cat("Loading analysis meta data \n")
meta.list <- fromJSON(txt = meta)
cat("Initiating analysis ... \n")
tenant_id <- decode_jwt(token)$payload$`custom:aplos_user_tenant_id`
user_id <- decode_jwt(token)$payload$`custom:aplos_user_id`
headers <- c("Content-Type" = "application/json",
"Authorization" = paste0("Bearer ",token))
body <- list(
file = list(
id = upload_url_result$file$id
meta_data = meta.list,
configuration = config.list
analysis_response <- POST(url = paste0(url,"/tenants/",tenant_id,"/users/",user_id,"/nca/executions"),
add_headers(.headers = headers),
body = toJSON(body, auto_unbox = TRUE))
if (http_status(analysis_response)$category == "Success") {
cat("Execution initiated. \n")
} else {
cat("Error in the request. \n")
analysis_response2 <- fromJSON(content(analysis_response, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
execution_id <- analysis_response2$execution_id
Request Execution Status β
This code checks the status of the analysis, prints that status, and then returns the download URL when the analysis is complete.
cat("Checking status ... \n")
tenant_id <- decode_jwt(token)$payload$`custom:aplos_user_tenant_id`
user_id <- decode_jwt(token)$payload$`custom:aplos_user_id`
headers <- c("Content-Type" = "application/json",
"Authorization" = paste0("Bearer ",token))
complete <- FALSE
while (!complete) {
response <- GET(paste0(url,"/tenants/",tenant_id,"/users/",user_id,"/nca-engine/executions/",execution_id),
add_headers(.headers = headers))
result <- fromJSON(content(response, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
if(result$status == "failed") {break}
complete <- result$status == "complete"
if(!complete) {
cat("Not yet complete ... ",result$status," \n")
if(result$status == "complete") {
cat("Execution complete. Execution ID = ",execution_id,"\n")
} else {
cat(paste0("Execution failed. Execution ID = ",execution_id,"\n"))
cat("Downloading results. \n")
if(result$status == "complete") {
download_url <- result$presigned$url
output_file <- paste0(output,"results-",substr(execution_id,1,10),".zip")
# create output directory if doesn't already exist
download(download_url, dest=output_file, mode = "wb", quiet = TRUE)
if(unzip) {
unzip_folder = paste0(output,"results-",substr(execution_id,1,10))
unzip(output_file, exdir = unzip_folder)
cat("Results file downloaded and unziped. \n")
cat(paste0("Location is ",unzip_folder,"/ \n"))
} else {
cat("Results file downloaded. \n")